Project Details

Daytime Efficiency/Nighttime Security ☀🌔

New Zealand Miracle Water is a state of the art Water Bottling facility, providing fresh water to the worldwide market. The installation of Piggybacked Rapid Doors allowed the facility to combine the requirements of hygiene and security using these doors.

The Piggybacked feature allows the facility to have the Rapid Doors opening and closing during working hours to the outdoors. Out of working hours the roller shutters are closed to provide security to the building at night areas and prep rooms behind ensure public access is blocked, while allowing staff to easily walk through the swing doors with full hands if needed. 

Project Location

NZ Miracle Water | Hastings 

PVC Swing Doors

PVC swing doors are “hands free”, impact operated doors. Their double action springs allow them to open from either side, swinging through a 180° arc and self returning to the centre line of the doorway.  Translucent PVC leaves afford good two way vision, minimising the risk of collisions while maximising available light. PVC Swing Doors are a cost effective option, especially useful in busy traffic situations where tight environmental control is required without impeding traffic flows.

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